Positive Parenting

in the London Borough of
Barking and Dagenham

Proven to work parenting strategies

I want to do the FREE online course

Triple P gives you simple, practical, positive tips that really work!

Every day, what you do and say can make a positive difference to your child’s development, so they can be happy, healthy adults. Now there’s a way to make that easier and more enjoyable, and give you more knowledge about what works.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® gives you tips and ideas to help you bring out the best in your children, to help them be resilient, confident, and have the self-discipline to succeed. Learn how to positively manage the behaviour you don’t like and encourage more of the behaviour that will help them get along with others. It will make your family life easier in the meantime, too!

Start right away, or contact us for more information

Try the online course

Choose the help that’s right for you

Every family’s different, so we make it easy to choose the parenting support that fits your situation. You choose when, where, and how you want to do Triple P!

To see whether you are eligible, do the quick survey.

Is Triple P Online for Baby right for my family?

  • Online support for parents-to-be and new parents (of babies up to 12 months old)
  • Promote your baby’s social and cognitive development
  • Learn a variety of strategies to cope with frequent crying
  • Understand baby sleep patterns and healthy sleep habits
  • Take better care of your own emotional and mental health
  • Improve your relationship with your partner / other family members
  • Enjoy life as a new parent!

Is Triple P Online right for my family?

Help your child or teenager learn to manage and reduce anxious feelings, now and in the future

  • Online support for parents of young children (0-12 years)
  • Create the best environment for your child’s development
  • Know how to address child behaviours, promote new skills and help emotional self-regulation
  • Raise happier, more confident and capable kids
  • Improve your relationship with your children
  • Enjoy being a parent more!

Is Family Transitions Triple P Online right for my family?

  • Online programme for parents going through separation or divorce
  • Support your child to manage their emotions and develop good coping skills
  • Based on proven psychology principles and research
  • Learn ways to minimise negative impacts and help your child to feel supported and secure
  • Handle difficult moments more calmly and confidently
  • Improve communication and reduce conflict with your former partner
  • Take better care of your own emotional and social wellbeing
  • Adapt and evolve in your new family dynamic

We’re here to help your family

More than 4,000,000 children and their families have been helped by Triple P – in fact, we help parents and families right around the world, in more than 25 countries. So we can help you, too!

Questions about Triple P in Barking and Dagenham?

Thank you for your message!

We’re here to help your family

We will reply to your email as soon as we can.
(Don’t forget to check your inbox and junk/spam emails for our reply.)

This Positive Parents initiative is thanks to the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.

Please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you soon.

You can also get in touch with our Targeted Early Help Service on 020 8227 5600.

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